Monday, February 9, 2009

I don’t think state workers are all that upset

Yes, the furloughs have resulted in a 9.2 percent pay cut. I realize that. I know! But it isn’t really a pay cut. Out here in the real world, a pay cut goes more like this:

Boss: Hi Joe! We’re cutting your pay by 9.2%! Now go back to work!

Joe: Wow, so I have to take two Fridays off each month?

Boss: Ha ha! No Joe, you’ll still work full time. But now you will do it for less money!

Joe begins to walk out of the boss’s office.

Boss: Oh, Joe!

Joe: Yes?

Boss: Do you remember Sam?

Joe: Yes...

Boss: I fired him this morning. You’re doing his job too! Don’t you feel special?

State workers will get two three day weekends a month for a short while, since this won’t go on much longer. They may lose a little money, but I suspect they can file for unemployment insurance of some sort for the days they are losing. Plus, assuming they drive they will not have to pay for gas or parking. And many probably buy their lunch, so they will lose that expense as well. Oh, and child care! Won't need that!

Hey! There is no need to hit the old Starbucks or Peet’s Coffee either! Home-brewed coffee is less expensive and usually better anyway.

I suggest you leave the TV off and spend some time with your kids. Go to a park and fly kites or stay home and bake cookies.

Frankly, I think this is punishing people in the private sector more than the state workers. All the people who serve the coffee and the lunches and provide the child care are the real victims here.

Stop whining. It isn’t so bad.

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