Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bail Outs Don’t Fix Anything

More proof I need to get out more…I’m traveling and have discovered something totally wicked! Hotels let you log onto the internet! Astonishing.

I saw the headline about the Governor announcing that the bailout will not solve California’s woes. My question is did anyone think it would?

Let’s look at the term “bail out”. The origin, if I understand it correctly, refers to scooping water out of a boat to keep it afloat. The method works fine if you can keep up with the water, but it does nothing to fix the problem. The problem being of course, that there is a hole in the boat! Fix the hole and you don’t need to bail anymore.

Using another analogy, if you are digging a hole for yourself, you cannot get out by continuing digging. At some point you need to put down the shovel and start climbing. And yet we see, metaphorically of course, this happen all the time. We keep digging and digging and wonder why we are not out of the hole yet.

I’ve even heard people say “we need to dig our way out of this hole!”

Bailouts may help, but they don’t fix anything.

A number of those commenting on other topics here have mentioned large unions as being the problem, or a large part of it. I’ve been looking over the tax code, but I think I want to learn a little more about these unions and hopefully gain some understanding of why they might be such a problem, (if they really are), and what we can do to effect some positive change.

Internet access in hotels. What will they think of next?!

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